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10 Houseplants That Are Toxic to Cats

2 February 2023 — Cats

We all love to add a touch of greenery to our homes, but did you know that some common houseplants can be toxic to our cats? That’s right, some plants can cause mouth irritation, difficulty swallowing, and even death if ingested by cats.

But don’t worry, keeping your cats safe doesn’t mean you have to give up on having plants in your home. By choosing the right plants and keeping them out of reach of your cats, you can have the best of both worlds.

List of Plants That Are Toxic to Cats:

1. Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia

Dumb Cane - houseplants that are toxic to cats

The plant contains needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals that can cause irritation and burning of the mouth and tongue, excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting if ingested.

2. Philodendron

Philodendron - houseplants that are toxic to cats

Like Dieffenbachia, the leaves and stems contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and burning in the mouth, tongue, and lips, difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, and vomiting. In some cases, ingestion can cause difficulty breathing and even lead to death.

3. Monstera deliciosa or Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera deliciosa - houseplants that are toxic to cats

This is another houseplant that contains insoluble calcium oxalates which can cause difficulty breathing, mouth and throat irritation. Ingestion can also cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other stomach problems.

4. Pothos or Devil’s Ivy

Pothos - houseplants that are toxic to cats

This hardy and easy-to-grow plant also contains insoluble calcium oxalates which can cause mouth and throat irritation if ingested by cats. If large amounts of the plant are consumed, it can also lead to more serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, tremors, and even death.

5. Sago Palm

Sago palm - houseplants that are toxic to cats

The entire Sago palm plant is toxic, including the seeds, leaves and trunk, and can cause serious health issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and liver failure. Ingestion of even small amounts of Sago palm can cause serious health issues and, in some cases, be fatal to cats.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera - houseplants that are toxic to cats

The gel inside the leaves of the Aloe vera plant can provide soothing relief when applied topically to minor burns and skin irritations. But chewing on the plant can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive issues when ingested by cats.

7. Peace Lily

Peace lily

A popular houseplant to create an elegant look in the house. This houseplant is another plant that contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause severe irritation and burning in the mouth, tongue, and lips, as well as difficulty swallowing if ingested. Some cats may also experience excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. It’s also worth noting that different types of lilies can have different levels of toxicity, and some are considered more toxic than others. So, it’s best to research specific lily species before bringing them into your home if you have cats.

8. Snake Plant

Snake plant

Ingestion of this plant is not likely to cause severe harm to cats, but it may cause some mild stomach upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

9. English Ivy

English Ivy

The leaves, berries, and stems of this plant contain triterpenoid saponins, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, it can also cause respiratory distress, tremors, and even seizures.

10. Jade Plant

Jade Pant

This plant is mildly toxic to cats if ingested as it can cause mild stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Additionally, it can cause some mild mouth irritation and difficulty swallowing.

It’s important to note that this is not a complete list of houseplants that are toxic to cats and other plants may also be toxic. Always research a plant before bringing it into your home if you have cats and keep an eye on your cats when they’re around houseplants to make sure they’re not nibbling on any leaves or stems. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep plants out of the reach of cats and to teach them to leave plants alone. If you suspect that your cat has ingested a toxic plant, seek veterinary care immediately.

So, don’t let these toxic plants ruin the fun of having plants in your home. Just be mindful of the types of plants you bring in and keep them out of reach of your furry friends. That way, you can enjoy the beauty of plants without worrying about the health of your beloved cats.


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